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How CBD Oil Helps With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Treatment

Posted by Lewis Olden on
How CBD Oil Helps With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Treatment

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While irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may not be life-threatening, it can severely disrupt the quality of life for those who have it.

There are approximately 10% of the global population that develop IBS like symptoms throughout their lifetime.

IBS is not well understood by doctors and this means that there is not a great deal of treatments available to those who suffer from the condition. Even finding products that help manage the symptoms can be difficult to find.

What are the benefits of using CBD Oil for IBS? 

There are many things that may cause IBS, but much of what triggers IBS remains a mystery. Many of the causes believed to inflict the condition involve a loss of equilibrium in the digestive tract. The balance of the digestive tract is integral to digestion, immune defence and the excretion of waste.

Cannabidiol, which is more commonly known as CBD may help with the problem of IBS as it helps the body to calibrate various parts of the body. This is achieved by improving the communication between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and cells throughout the body.

The benefits of using CBD oil to treat IBS include:

  1. Reduction of inflammation
  2. Improves anandamide deficiencies
  3. Decreases your appetite
  4. Inhibits muscle hyperactivity

CBD affects everyone who uses it differently and the variation of IBS has varied effects.

Those that suffer severe diarrhoea as well as IBS also known as IBS-D, are most likely the experience the maximum benefit of using CBD Oil as the CBD can slow muscle contraction in the digestive tract.

Sufferers of IBS with constipation (IBS-C) can still reap the benefits of CBD because of the anti-inflammatory and the suppressing of appetite properties of CBD.

What form of CBD should I use?

CBD is now readily available in a vast array of different forms. Ranging from CBD oils to CBD patches. CBD oils are typically the most popular method of using CBD, but CBD patches are probably the best delivery method for those who suffer with IBS because the CBD doesn’t have to pass through the digestive system to take effect. 

CBD oil and CBD capsules are very easy to take and can be accurately dosed. 

What dose should I take for IBS? 

Finding the perfect dose of CBD can be a difficult challenge and may take a certain degree of experimentation. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the UK, suggests that 70mg of CBD per day is a safe and effective dose of CBD for you to take. The dose of CBD you take also has to take into account which delivery method you are using.

It is always advisable when first using CBD to start with a low dose and gradually work your way up if you feel there is a need to do so. 

How long does it take for CBD to start working? 

It typically takes 2-3 weeks of regularly using CBD to begin to notice the full impact CBD can have on your life. It will take at least a week before you begin to feel the full effect of CBD on your IBS symptoms. That said, how long CBD takes to work depends largely on individual differences. These can include weight, diet, lifestyle and tolerance. 

How to get the best results using CBD for IBS? 

CBD should not be used in isolation to treat IBS. IBS is extraordinarily complex and there are numerous organs involved in the condition. There are other forms of treatment that can be effective and when used in sync with CBD can achieve the best results. These include dietary changes and physical exercise. If you do not address your diet or exercise more, the effect CBD has may be limited.

CBD can alleviate the symptoms caused by IBS and is an effective tool at restoring balance to your body. 

What CBD Oil? 

CBD is shorthand for Cannabidiol. It is one of the primary cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. The majority of CBD oils that are on the market derive from the hemp plant also known as cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa is a strain of cannabis that is naturally low in THC. THC is the psychoactive compound within the cannabis plant and is what causes those who consume it to get high. 

The endocannaboid system is what regulates the body’s state of homeostasis. Homeostasis is crucial for the effective operation of the digestive, immune and neurological systems.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? 

IBS is often classified as a syndrome not a disease. This is because IBS is a range of symptoms that cannot be linked to one specific case. IBS is often surmised as a dysfunction of the digestive tract. 

The symptoms of IBS often include bloating, indigestion and abdominal pain. Changes in bowel movements can escalate and involve severe cases of diarrhoea.  

The effects of IBS are similar to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, the primary difference is that IBD involves the inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This has been proven lab tests and recorded on special cameras that can enter this part of the body. 

If a physician cannot find inflammation in a diagnosis of IBD, IBS is diagnosed instead. 

What are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome? 

While the symptoms of IBS can vary greatly between patients, there is a common theme to the symptoms of the condition. Symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Uncontrollable bowel movements
  • Tiredness
  • Weight gain
  • Weight loss

CBD can be useful for dealing with IBS as it does not push the digestive function in any particular direction. CBD improves the regulation of homeostasis in the body. Using CBD in cohesion with other therapies to manage the symptoms of IBS can enable the body to better deal with IBS and return to state of normality.

What Causes IBS?

The precise cause of IBS remains unknown. There are some theories that are widely accepted in the medical community.

Diet – The United States has the highest rate of IBS within its population in the world. This is likely due to Americans often consuming diets that are high in processed foods. Foods that have been highly processed tend have very low nutritional benefits and are very high in calories and sugar. 

When these foods are consumed, they move slowly through your body and delay the function of the digestive tract, this is due the distinct lack of fibre in the food. 

The slow movement and extremely high sugar content cause the food to ferment in the digestive system and attracts bacteria. Fermentation in this instance is very bad for your body and inhibits the functioning of the digestive system. This is often what causes bloating, pain and noticeable changes in bowel movements. 

The regular fermentation of processed foods can cause severe damage the structural frame of the digestive system’s lining. Over time this accumulation can cause diarrhoea and a lack of movement in the intestines.

Viral infections can also cause IBS. There are many instances of people reporting IBS symptoms after catching a bug abroad.


IBS may not be well understood, it does however involve the combined dysfunction of various organs, diet, lifestyle habits and CBD can offer broad benefits towards different types of the condition. 

It is always best to use CBD in the form of a patch or CBD oil. CBD vapes are also extremely effective and very popular. 

If you are persistent with lifestyle changes that need to be implemented such as diet and exercise in combination with CBD. With patience, IBS symptoms may become a thing of the past and be forced into remission for substantial periods of time.

We hope you enjoyed this article! Please use code BLOG15 at checkout to claim 15% off your order. If you would like to speak with a member of staff please do drop us a message via our live chat which can be round on the left hand side of your screen. 

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