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Harnessing the power of nature to improve your mental health

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

Each year the mental health foundation hosts a mental health awareness week. As many of us will know first hand, mental health issues can affect anyone, and aren’t yet recognised or taken as seriously as...

How to Healthily come out of Lockdown

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

As soon as the Government announced their ‘roadmap’ for getting us out of lockdown, it seemed everyone has jumped at the new opportunities to go out and enjoy ourselves. Many of us may have received...

The Best Stretches to do in the Morning

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

In our last wellness blog, we spoke about the importance of stretching in the morning to start your day properly. Doing a morning stretch can help get your blood flowing, start your circulation, and warm...

Having an Energised Morning

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

Whenever we scroll through instagram, once can’t help but see hundreds of influencers up at the break of day making smoothies and doing home-work outs. For some morning people, this might be a usual routine....

Your CBD delivery method could be the reason you’re not getting the results you’re looking for…

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

For all the promises that you hear when purchasing CBD, you can sometimes be disappointed when you discover that it hasn’t worked for you quite how you wanted to. Maybe it only briefly relieved your...

Easy Diet Changes to improve your Mental Health…

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

We are constantly bombarded with ways that changing up our diet can improve everything: from skin to sleep. No one is denying that there are many benefits of improving your diet, especially if you’re looking...

Creating a Healthy Work From Home Routine

Posted by Tabitha Steemson on

During the pandemic, so many of us have suddenly had to readapt in many ways. For lots, that’s meant having to work at home. Although it’s been almost a year (we can’t believe it either),...