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Medical Cannabis for Fibromyalgia

Posted by Isaac Davidson on
Medical Cannabis for Fibromyalgia

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Medical Cannabis for Fibromyalgia - “No Two Fibro is the Same”

At Cannacares we feel the legislation surrounding Cannabis consumption is fundamentally wrong.

After all, 1.4 million people in the UK are currently using Cannabis for a wide variety of ailments.

We feel very strongly that people that suffer with a chronic medical condition should not only be entitled to use alternative medication to help reduce their symptoms but should be supported by their GP’s who should have a better understanding of Medical Cannabis and how it interacts with the body.

No two fibro is the same

It is commonly known within the Fibromyalgia community that “no two fibro is the same”. The NHS and the recent guidelines that NICE published has called for more clinical studies into the efficacy of using Medical Cannabis for Fibromyalgia.

We are of the opinion that as the symptoms of each patient diagnosed with Fibromyalgia vary so greatly, it would be wrong to suggest that one type of Medical Cannabis formulation will work for every Fibromyalgia patient.

How can clinical studies on cannabis and CBD change this?

Instead a more focused randomised clinical study must be used, asking patients what their main symptoms are and testing different THC and CBD ratios on a group of patients that have a similar ailment. Only through practical trial and error will it be possible to come up with a range of Medical Cannabis Formulations that are suitable for different symptoms and different needs at different times of the day.

Medical Cannabis should fit around a patient’s life, not the other way around. For example, a high THC low CBD dose may help alleviate more pain on bad days but when you are having a better day or week, this stronger formulation would be impractical to perform daily routines. A more sensible formulation may be a low THC high CBD on better days.

Another example could be for sleep. It is well known Chronic Fatigue is one of the major symptoms of Fibromyalgia and a lack of sleep has been said to worsen sufferers’ anxiety and mood. CBD and CBN are the cannabinoids that are more effective solution for sleep.

How Cannacares is trying to help with our own CBD research

At Cannacares our mission to produce a range of Medical Cannabis formulation that specifically help people living with Fibromyalgia live a better life. This cannot simply be done with a one formulation fits all approach.

We endeavour to undertake more and more insightful research, constantly striving to improve our own range of products and improve the lives of those who are suffering from Fibromyalgia and other ailments. We currently offer CBD Oil tinctures, CBD capsules and CBD creams but there are a variety of new and exciting products in the pipeline that we hope will be available in the very near future. Stay tuned to Cannacares for all the latest news!

We hope you enjoyed this article! Please use code BLOG15 at checkout to claim 15% off your order. If you would like to speak with a member of staff please do drop us a message via our live chat which can be round on the left hand side of your screen. 

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