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How are CBD Patches Made?

Posted by Chaitanya Gangavarapu on
How are CBD Patches Made?

CBD patches are made using a process called transdermal patch manufacturing. This process involves the application of a thin film containing the active CBD compound onto an adhesive backing. The thin film is then sealed with a protective cover to ensure that the CBD compound is not released until the patch is applied to the skin.

Step 1

The first step in the process is to create the thin film containing the active CBD compound. This is done by dissolving the compound in a solvent and then coating the film with the solution. The film is then dried and cut into the desired size.

Step 2

Next, the thin film is then applied to an adhesive backing. This backing can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, cloth, or paper. The backing is then sealed with a protective cover to prevent the CBD compound from being released before the patch is applied to the skin.

Step 3

Finally, the CBD patch is ready to be applied to the skin. The patch is placed on the skin and the adhesive backing adheres to the skin. The CBD compound is then released over time, allowing for a sustained and consistent delivery of the compound into the body.

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