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Germany To Legalise Recreational Cannabis

Posted by Lewis Olden on
Germany To Legalise Recreational Cannabis

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After overcoming long negotiations, the parties that are often branded the ‘traffic light’ parties have agreed to legalise the adult use of cannabis for recreational purposes in Germany.

According to an article in Der Spiegel, the working group on healthcare agreed that cannabis should be legalised when the incoming Olaf Scholz government takes power and forms a coalition.

The coalition parties have stated that they are introducing the controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for consumption for recreational and pleasure purposes in licensed shops.

This proposal would initiate a regulated cannabis market while ensuring that measures are in place to protect minors in a similar manner to existing regulations concerning alcohol and tobacco. There is an anticipated major evaluation expected in the following four years of the implementation of the law, to assess its impact and its effect on society.

The most vital ambition is to create a safe and regulated market that offers pure products to prevent the prospective damage that contaminated substances can cause. All three parties involved in the coalition want to expand models for drug checks and ensure the reduction of harm. Drug checking enables drug users to have their drugs tested before they are used to determine whether there are any dangerous contaminants contained within the products they are consuming.

The Der Spiegel report that while cannabis will be legal, the regulations pertaining to advertising and marketing will be very strict.

The coalition consists of three parties, the SPD, FDP and the Greens. They have all announced their support for policy reform regarding cannabis. While stating that the present drug strategies based on prohibition are a failure.

Germany is the largest and possibly the most important industry in the European cannabis sector. The introduction of recreational use could lead to an increase in investment and ignite an exciting European market.

The decision of the incoming coalition could cause a chain reaction across Europe as Germany is arguably the most influential European country. If Germany can prepare legislation that enables a safe and profitable industry, it is likely that many other countries across the continent will replicate this model of legalisation.

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